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  • FEATURE - Easy Installation Icon

    Easy Installation

    Installation is quick and easy. Three wires, ground - power and ignition. Setup and running in less than 5 minutes.

  • FEATURE - Maintenance Free Icon

    Maintenance Free

    No need to fiddle or adjust any settings. Eveything comes pre programmed and setup ready for use the moment its installed

  • FEATURE - North America Wide Coverage Icon

    North America Wide Coverage

    • You are protected no matter where in North America you go with coverage throughout the USA, Canada and Mexico
  • FEATURE - GPS  Geofence Icon


  • FEATURE - 24/7 protection icon

    24/7 Protection

  • FEATURE - Battery Level Warning Icon

    Low Battery Warning

  • Feature - Notifications Icon


  • FEATURE - WWW icon

    Internet Based

  • FEATURE - Speed Monitoring Icon

    Speed Monitoring

  • FEATURE - Locate Current Position Icon

    Find your Vehicle

  • FEATURE - Eco Drive Mode

    Eco Drive Mode

  • FEATURE - Battery Level Warning Icon

    Battery Level Monitoring

  • FEATURE - Customizable icon
